A J2EE AJAX Web Application
Generator from JPA annotated beans
Generate J2EE AJAX based web applications from JPA annotated beans. The applications
generated by this tool allow a final user to add,
delete, search, modify and interconnect
instances of database-synchronized objects in a friendly AJAX based web user
interface using the ZK framework.
New release 1.5 (beta) supports Lazy persistence
and automatic form validation
using Hibernate Validator annotations. Advanced custom annotations.
Jpa2Web article at IBM explains the idea of jpa2web as well as how to get it running.
New release 1.0 supports ZK 3.0, ManyToMany annotations and decoration facilities in the MemberField annotation. Moved from Beta to Stable!
About jpa2web
The idea of this software generation program, is to
generate the code of a web
application to add, edit, delete
and list instances of POJO JPA annotated beans in a database. For example,
from this class (Person), jpa2web will generate this zk interface
to add, delete,list and modify instances of Person.
This application is free and we
hope you can contribute to its development.
Currently this software generates web interfaces for beans which
have simple properties (string, integer, long, date and double) and
relationships (onetoone, manytoone, many to many and
onetomany). This generator will read JPA annotations from getter methods
About the author
This software has been developed by Ing. Máximo Gurméndez, Sun Certified,
J2EE Architect and Programmer.
This generator uses the following technologies: